senate budget Archives - Oral Health Watch

Final state budget preserves dental care for vulnerable populations

After a marathon of negotiations a supplemental budget was approved by the state legislature on Wednesday.  The good news is that the budget protects dental coverage for low-income pregnant women, seniors in nursing homes and people with developmental disabilities. This decision by the legislature to support funding for dental coverage reflects in part an increased…

Good News from Olympia: Proposed House Budget Protects Oral Health

The proposed House supplemental budget protects many essential programs that provide dental coverage to vulnerable populations. Thanks in part to the efforts of Citizens’ Watch coalition and grassroots support statewide, there is a growing awareness that oral health is a critical part of overall health. The House budget released today in Olympia maintains funding for…

Help protect dental coverage for vulnerable adults

The Governor’s proposed supplemental budget eliminates all non-emergency dental care for eligible Medicaid-insured adults ($8.6 million).  Pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid would lose dental coverage.  Poor oral health can lead to complications with pregnancy.  In addition, mothers can pass the bacteria that cause dental disease to their babies. Nearly half of all births in Washington…

2011 session – a few bright spots, more work is needed

We all know the 2011 legislative session was difficult.  Due to declining revenues, budget cuts were extensive.  Many programs to protect the health of vulnerable residents were affected.  At the same time there were few bright spots that demonstrate the value of advocacy and hard work.  Thanks to everyone who spoke out about the importance…

Arcora Foundation
400 Fairview Avenue North, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98109
Oral Health Watch does not provide dental care and cannot provide direct referrals. To find dental care in your area, please visit our resources page. Please contact Oral Health Watch for more information about our programs and oral health in Washington State